Pressure Vessels

Waterford Tank and Fabrication manufactures pressure vessels to the highest quality standards and constructed on full accordance with the latest edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code, Section VIII, Division I. Along with manufacturing of pressure vessels, Waterford Tank can provide repairs and alterations with our ASME R Stamp certification.
Waterford Tank can customize your pressure vessel to exact specifications to meet your operation. Waterford Tank has the capability to manufacture pressure vessels up to 60,000 gallons from either carbon steel or stainless steel. The pressure vessel can be oriented horizontal or vertical and constructed with saddles, skirt or leg supports. The pressure vessel can be fit with NPT or flanged connections and a manway. Waterford Tank can provide both external and internal coatings if applicable to your need. Waterford Tank offers ladders, stairways, catwalks or platforms that can be used with the pressure vessel.
Waterford Tank and Fabrication will customize your pressure vessel that delivers a product that supports your operation. Building a long-term relationship is our goal. Waterford Tank and Fabrication’s lead time are the most competitive in the industry. Check out some of our pressure vessel links that are most common and popular.
To learn more about Waterford’s Pressure Vessels or our custom fabrication services please contact us directly regarding your next project.
Our manufacturing facility has achieved the following certifications: ​
The following items should be provided when ordering a custom designed pressure vessel from Waterford Tank and Fabrication:
Vessel Size (diameter and length or capacity)
Vessel orientation (horizontal or vertical)
Type of supports (saddles, legs, skirt or support lugs)
Design pressure (internal and external)
Design temperature (min and max)
Corrosion allowance (if applicable)
Material of construction (Steel or Stainless)
Product content and specific gravity
Openings: Quantity, size, type and location
Type of external paint or internal lining if applicable.
Appurtenances: internals, insulation supports, ladders or platforms
Location of installation for wind/ seismic design and freight estimate
Specifications beyond ASME requirements